Here is how Ben Skardon remembered Henry Leitner and Otis Morgan Who mirrored God for you? WWII veteran, Colonel Ben Skardon wants us to remember two names: Henry Leitner and Otis Morgan. They mirrored God for him by saving his life, over and over again. Ben Skardon, a son of an …
Miracles – Tis a Gift to be Simple
Simple miracles, I have learned from family survivors of World War II, are actually magnificent miracles. (be sure to keep reading to the end forJewel's rendition of Tis a Gift to Be Simple) To have enough food, loving fellowship (gezelligheid), safety, time in nature, all of these are the gift of …
Homecoming – Heimwee, Comfort Food, Comfort People
The Taste of War: World War Two and the Battle for Food by Lizzie Collingham "How can one imagine not being hungry?" Primo Levi asks in his account of his experiences at Auschwitz. The camp "is hunger: we ourselves are hunger, living hunger". According to Lizzie Collingham's ambitious new …