Simple miracles, I have learned from family survivors of World War II, are actually magnificent miracles. (be sure to keep reading to the end forJewel's rendition of Tis a Gift to Be Simple) To have enough food, loving fellowship (gezelligheid), safety, time in nature, all of these are the gift of …
End of the World Tomorrow
“Don’t you know it’s the end of the world Saturday?” Everyone at Peet’s coffee in Morgan Hill is saying this. I'm an early a.m. regular because being here helps me to keep laundry, no family wandering in and out to get me away from the keyboard. But this is a huge distraction, the end …
30 Days of Light – Willingness after WWII
Survivors of great trauma I have learned seek -- often constantly-- safety. Paradoxically, most survivors I know are also accomplished risk-takers. Most show as much willingness and effort as these folks, trekking along the journey of life. I guess it's all about choice. David Viscott, noted …